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The death of Ælfweard of Wessex: An Anglo-Saxon Murder Mystery
Sixteen days after inheriting the throne, this grandson of Alfred the Great dies. Let’s pretend to be Miss Marple and look into it
The year is 924. Edward the Elder, King of the West Saxons and heir to the throne of Alfred the Great, has just died, most likely from wounds acquired in a violent clash with an uprising of Mercians and Welshmen at Chester. The heir apparent to the throne is the young AElfweard, aged 21 or 22, son of Edward and his second wife, Ælfflæd, daughter of ealdorman Æthelhelm of Wiltshire. But just a fortnight after his father’s demise, AElfweard just… drops dead.
What? Why? How? The truth is: we don’t know. But we can have some fun speculating.
King Edward’s messed-up love life
King Edward the Elder was King Alfred the Great’s eldest son; albeit not his aldest child, he had an older sister…